Thursday, September 8, 2011

I am very sorry....

But I think it is time to bring the Q and A to an end. If any one objects just post that you would not like it to be ended. I will not delete the Q and A but I will stop posting until someone want's me to keep going with it. Good Bye! It was fun while it lasted! If you would like something even better and a lot more fun to go on The Art Drawer is where me and my friend CB do pretty much the same thing as I do here. All the posts on here are on Art Drawer so if you sorta like this blog but not completely you'll be sure to love Art Drawer! See you then!


I haven't posted in a while but that would be because I am really busy with The Art Drawer.. I guess if i really do even have any veiwers tell me if you would like me to continue with The Q and A. Okay.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cupcakes- By Pinkie Pie

All you gotta do is take a cup of flour and add it to the miix!
Now, just take a little something sweet not sour. A bit of salt just a pinch!
Baking these treats is such a synch!
Take a teaspoon of vanilla.
Add a little more and you count to four and you never get your FILLA!

Giggle at the ghostly- By: Pinkie Pie

When I was a little filly and the sun was going do-wn.
The darkness and the shadows they would always make me fro-wn.
I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw.
But Grammy-Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all.
She said Pinkie you gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fe-ars.
You'll see that they can't hurt you just laugh to make them disappear!!!
Giggle at the ghostly!
Guffaw at the grossly!
Crack up at the creepy!
Whoop it up with the weepy!
Chortal at the kooky!'
Snortal at the spooky!

AND, tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave ya alone and if he thinks he can scare you he's got another thing coming and the VERY idea of such a thing just makes ya wanna...
Hahahahha (inhale) hahaha

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anything else?

Is Q and A getting boring? Well, any ideas are very much appreciated!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to make a white board

Picture frame (With glass)
Printer paper
Dry erase marker
Optional: Velcro

Step 1: Take Every thing out of the picture frame you are using. EXCEPT for the glass.

Step 2: Start placing desired amount of printer paper into, frame. Suggested 3 layers or more.

Step 3: Place the backpiece in the frame. (The part that you can prop your frame, or hang it with.)

Step 4: Hook the hooks onto the frame.

Step 5: Write.

Step 6: (Not required) Take the rough part of velcro and stick it to one part of the picture frame. Take the softer part of velcro and put it on the dry erase marker. Then when you are not using the pen, velcro it onto the frame.

Keep it Nurby. ~RK

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nurb? Whats an nurb?

You may notice I like to reference myself- (so do my friends and family) -as a 'Nurb'. Yes 'Nurb' is one of my nick names, that my brother and I came up with, because of my personality..

Lets do some math here to figure this "Nurb" thing out...

Noob+Nerd= Nurb

Okay, Now you are just annoyed..

You: a 'U'? SERIOUSLY!?
Me: Okay the lets do some geometry!
You: O____________O

O. Lop of O's head and O becomes U.. Take the middle of your e out and put it on the bottom. Flip the new 'e' upwards and your e is now a u.

Keep it Nurby.~RK


I have sooo many ideas of what I should paint my room like but I can Only pick one. Can you guys come up with anything. Then I am gonna pick my favorite ideas, write them down and put them in a hat and draw one out! Then that's how I will paint my room! Do NOT be afraid to tell me really weird ideas or something that has lots of color!! tell me what ever comes to mind!

Keep it Nurby! ~RK


"Weird dreamboats make me laugh like perpendicular frogman." For some reason I like to say this when I feel sleepy cause it makes me even sleepier.. One of my best friends came up with this line.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Welcome to Questions and Arts!

Welcome to the Q and A website where I will answer any question you can think of!! Not only does Q and A stand for Questions and Answers but also for Quality and Art! To be more specific, I will post here art projects that appeal to you or me, and how to do them! Contact me at to ask questions, OR ask me to post a tutorial on an art project! You can also ask me a question by commenting on this post. Remember to keep your name anonymous or come up with a nick name. Thats not it either! Sometimes I will spontaneously post what ever I feel like such as poems or random stuff!! I look forward to your Questions and Artyness!! :D

Keep it Nurby! ~RK